Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Replay Media Catcher 5 Settings & Main Interface

Replay Media Catcher 5
Read carefully.
We are talking about the settings Windows tabs here and not the main interface tabs that are on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher 5.
Opening the Settings Window Tabs Explained
One way to reach the settings Window tabs is to first press enter on the Library tab on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher 5.
After pressing enter on Library on main interface press alt+l to bring up the Library menu.
Choose settings in the list with your enter keyboard key.
The Settings Window opens.
To go to a Settings tab press your left or right arrow keys.
These are the main level tabs.
When you have focus on a settings tab like,
Just press your ENTER keyboard key on a settings tab first when you have focus and you will hear JAWS and NVDA pronounce checked to you.
When the screen reader says checked it means that the particular settings tab is active now and it can be configured. The property sheet for that tab can be configured.
The Library settings tab has no sub level tabs so you are good to go to configure it.
If you press enter on the Internet settings tab you will hear JAWS or NVDA pronounce 'checked' then if you do a insert+tab you will hear the screen reader say Internet checked. The Internet settings tab is active but when you press your tab keyboard key one time from where it said to you Internet checked you will hear Internet settings tab so press your right arrow key to hear the Internet sub level tabs. The Internet settings tab has sub level tabs like,
http adv
rtmp adv
and some other sub level tabs.
To activate one of these sub levels tabs you will need to press your enter keyboard key. The default active tab for the Internet settings tab is Monitor because you will hear both JAWS and NVDA say Monitor checked.
Note, I am not referring to the tab controls that are on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher 5 in the above steps.
If you are referring to Replay Media Catcher's 5 tab controls that appear on the main interface then this is what you can do.
To make one of the control tabs active on the main interface you must press your enter keyboard key on it. We are not talking about the Settings tabs here.
With JAWS you can find out which main interface control is active by pressing insert+t for the title bar.
The title bar will tell you the current tab control name.
With NVDA the title bar will not give you a clue but pressing your enter key on one of the main interface control like Library means it is the active control.
Once you have pressed your enter key on one of the main interface controls you can proceed by pressing your tab keyboard key to see its controls.
For example, if you pressed enter on the main interface Library control pressing your tab keyboard key repeatedly will reveal its controls. Some of them would be Download From the Internet and Click to start monitoring button plus No Conversion Settings.
The Guide main interface control is at best semi-accessible.
Please read the above information carefully. Practice first.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Replay Radio Upgrade

From Applian,
Hi All -
Let me try to provide some clarity around the Replay Radio upgrade.
As an existing Applian customer you can upgrade to Replay Radio for $9.95 a year or $1.99 a month.  (For new customers the price is higher)
OR if you have purchased the Suite in the last six months (or upgraded your Suite in the last six months) you get a free year of Replay Radio - the year starts fro the date you purchased the Suite.
So purchasing the $19.95 Everything Upgrade for the Suite - would include a year of Replay Radio.  It's not separate.

Replay Music 6

Replay Music 6.0

‎Friday, ‎November ‎22, ‎2013, ‏‎2:48:35 PM | debbie
  • Can now record to M4a, WMA, OGG and FLAC
  • Can now tag M4a, WMA, OGG and FLAC
  • New user interface design and new program icon
  • Fixed a bug where the the Windows Media Player plugins were not being installed properly in Windows Media Player.
  • Tags can now be cleared when a user leaves a tag field blank in the Edit dialog box.
  • Now works better with Bitdefender.
  • Runs better in XP.
  • Now activates the track context menu in the track list when the track list has focus and the Application key or Enter key is pressed.
  • No longer exits when the ESC key is pressed.
  • Now correctly tabs over to all the main screen controls and activates the proper button control when the Enter key is pressed.
  • All column sorting keyboard shortcuts have been eliminated because they could interfere with other program keyboard shortcuts.
  • All controls in the Setting dialog box are now accessible with the tab key.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Replay Music 6 Recording Tip

If for some reason RM6 isn't recording for you then adjust the splitting tab sheet properties where the slider bar is. The default is 10% - 500. I changed mine to 30% - 1500 choose ok button to save the new setting.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Replay Music 6 Live Now

New Customers: Install Replay Music, and record and tag 25 tracks FREE. Once you order, you can record and tag unlimited songs. Replay Music has a 30 day money back guarantee.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Replay Radio 9 Audio Tutorials

Replay Radio 9 audio tutorials available. Replay Radio 9 works well with JAWS 14 and NVDA 2013.2.

The Media Guide

The Media Guide was frozen for Replay AV when we integrated the Guide into Replay Radio. That took place about 8 weeks ago. So, there will not be any updates to the Guide for Replay AV. The Media Guide though for Replay Radio will be dynamic and updated on a continuous basis.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Replay Radio Subscription Model

Replay Radio is now $2.95 per month or $29.95 per year.
At this time, the latest version of Replay Radio is only available on a renewable basis. There are 2 reasons for this. First, we are maintaining the Media Guides on a daily basis which is very resource intensive. More importantly, the new audio recording technology is licensed and we pay the fee on a subscription basis. We are making the purchase model of the program in line with how we expend for its maintenance. And, like all subscriptions, it can be canceled at any time when you no longer want to use the program.
A user asked,
is replay radio just a subscription bassed program now? or is it a full fledged program?
RR is just subscription based. There is no lifetime version currently.
also if i get replay radio will my replay av no longer work?
Both Replay Radio 9 and Replay AV will work simultaneously. They are independent programs.
or can i use both at the same time?
Ok, so basically replay radio is a subscription service now instead of a regular program?
If i were to get replay radio 9 would that make my replay av 8 not work any more?
No. See above.
also if it is a full program what is the regular cost?
or is it just a subscription cost that people pay now?
Petro asks,
Is their a recording limit/cap per month and then the user has to buy the subscription?
There is a recording limit in demo mode. Once someone purchases one of the subscription options, the demo limitations are removed. At which time, Replay Radio functions in full mode and will remain fully activated until one cancels their subscription.

Applian's RSS Feed on Replay Radio

Via YouTube,

Replay Music 6 & no applications key on a laptop, Use your ENTER keyboard key

If you have Replay Music 6 and are using a laptop with no applications keyboard key you can still do things in the tracks list view by using your ENTER keyboard key to bring up the context menu list of options like delete, play, edit tracks, import files and tag tracks. The developer will add shift+F10 hopefully soon. The ENTER key will work as a right click while in the tracks list view so you are covered if you have a laptop with no application keyboard key.

Replay Music 6 Blind JAWS 14 Audio Tutorials Zip File


Replay Radio

Replay Radio has replaced Replay AV 8 made by Applian Technologies.
Record your favorite internet radio station and more.
User Guide
Accessible with JAWS and NVDA 2013.2.
Read the Replay Radio user guide first. Links are above. If you use Windows 8 it is a must that you read the user guide about Windows 8 secure boot.

Replay Radio

User Guide

Replay Radio

Replay Radio is now available. This replaces Replay AV 8 made by applian Technologies.
This company believes in accessibility.
Want me to do a podcast let me know.
Allows you to record radio stations, radio shows and subscribe to podcasts via Replay Radio's media guide or you can manually add your own if you know the stream URL or RSS feed address via the add show button on main interface but the media guide provides the best settings for a user to record / download his source.
It has a streamlined interface. Menu bar and buttons on the main interface. Two list views called Schedule and My Recordings. All accessible with JAWS 14 and NVDA 2013.2.
Works with all operating systems.
If you use Windows 8 please read the Replay Radio user guide about secure boot.
Automatically Record your Favorite Radio Shows.
Listen on your PC, Phone or Tablet. Awesome!
Replay Radio 9
Best For: Scheduling Recordings of Radio Shows & Podcasts.
Get the Ultimate Recorder for Internet Radio Lovers
Record Thousands of Radio Shows & Stations.
Schedule Recordings.
Auto-Sync to iOS or Android Phones/Tablets.
Easy: Just Pick Shows or Stations from the Built-in Guide.
Record Multiple Shows Simultaneously.
Convert to Many Audio Formats.
Introducing Replay Radio, the best way to enjoy your favorite radio shows and stations. Replay Radio is the ultimate easy-to-use radio recorder. Just pick a show or station from the built-in guide, and Replay Radio schedules and automatically records the show for you. Then listen on-demand from your phone, tablet or PC. Awesome.
Simply find your favorite Radio Show in our Media Guide, packed with thousands of popular shows and stations. Click a button and Replay Radio adds the station, show times and days to your schedule. Just set it and forget it. You can add custom shows as well.
For mobile phones and tablets, Replay Radio supports DropBox, Google Drive or SkyDrive for syncing your recorded audio files.
Powerful Audio Recorder
Replay Radio uses advanced recording technology that enables recording from any radio station, regardless of format or audio source. Plus, it is the only product that can record multiple shows at the same time.
Replay Radio even supports Podcasts, using the same powerful scheduling and conversion features of the radio recorder.
User Guide

Monday, November 18, 2013

Replay Music 6 Audio Tutorials

Replay Music 6
JAWS 14 & NVDA 2013.2
Audio Tutorials
JAWS 14 with Replay Music 6
JAWS 14 With Replay Music 6
Settings Window, Output tab sheet and the record to: radio button.
How to change formats.
NVDA 2013.2 with Replay Music 6
NVDA 2013.2 with Replay Music 6
Settings Window, Output tab sheet and the record to: radio button.
How to change formats.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Replay Media Catcher 5 testimonial

Works like a charm. It's saved me having to buy a new radio to do the recording. Thanks.

Replay Music 6 Sneak Preview

Replay Music 6 Sneak Preview
Will soon be released. Not available yet.
Audio Tutorial Recording showing Replay Music 6 with JAWS 14
Replay Music Website
Contact info,
Skype:  petrogia
Eastern Time USA
Audio Tutorial showing Replay Music 6 being used with JAWS 14,
The interface like the buttons, list view, settings window navigation, start recording session window, list view and the applications keyboard key, recording one song from a music stream, song identified by track number, title, artist, album, genre and time length, how to edit the song, how to tag track if not recognized, deleting the song from the list view.
Discount Promo Codes are below.
The Audio Tutorial can be found at,
Discount Promo Codes
SUITEBB - is still available until the end of the year.
It offers $15 off the Suite.
RARNBB - offers $4 off Replay Music.
I make no commission.
Thank you.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Replay Music 6 Coming Very Soon

Replay Music 6 will be released very soon. This program can be found at
Blind discount codes are,
RARNBB - offers $4 off Replay Music.
SUITEBB - is still available until the end of the year.
It offers $15 off the Suite.
I do not make a commission.
This program will record music sites that have silence between tracks and identify each track with track number, title, artist, album name and time lenght of track. It is very easy to use and accessible with JAWS 14 and NVDA 2013.2.
If you have one sound card you will need to do an insert+v when Replay Music 6 is running with JAWS 14 turn off the progress bar, screen echo.
I have an external USB sound card so its not an issue having to do the above.
You should always read its user guide.
This program will record in 5 different formats,
You can select bit rates for M4A, MP3, OGG and WMA. 128 to 320 kbps.
You can create an audio Cd using this program.
You can import files into its list view.
You can edit the track(s) title, artist and album.
You can play the track via the application keyboard key when focus is on a track on the list view by choosing play in the list or first finding the track in the list view and then tabbing over to the play button.
30 day money back guarantee. Try before you buy Replay Music 6.
Buy the suite as you will save a lot of money.
To talk about or get assistance with Applian's other products subscribe to the blindreplay list at,
Put subscribe in subject line.
Will do a podcast if needed. Email me with subject line: RM Podcasts
My Skype ID is,

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Installing Version Updates for Replay Media Catcher 5 Helpful Tip

My experience only.
When installing over the top of an existing version of Replay Media Catcher 5
Make sure Replay Media Catcher 5 is not running. Check your taskbar tray and system tray to be safe.
Quick steps are
1st Installation Screen
Let your screen reader read the entire screen prompt.
1.Choose Next button - do not tab aroundNote: you can use insert+b if necessary and you will hear which radio button is enabled. It should be like install version # to version #
Now to the 2nd Installation Screen
2. JAWS will either say Upgrade / Update or Uninstall
If you hear Upgrade / Update you are all set and ready.
Press enter on next button to proceed.
If you hear Uninstall then you have told it to uninstall from the 1st Installation screen. Either choose back button or cancel.
If you choose the back button see if you can change the radio button to the first radio button that reads like install version # to version #.
If it doesn't work then choose cancel and re-run the .exe file from your hard drive again.
And do not tab around on the 1st installation screen but just press alt+n or to confirm press insert+tab to make sure the Next button is the active button and press Enter key.
Then you will hear the 2nd installation screen say Upgrade / Update instead of Uninstall.
Choose Next button to proceed to the 3rd installation screen.
Now to the 3rd Installation screen.
3. License Agreement Screen
Tab over to the I Agree button and press enter key. Shortcut key is alt+a
4. Installation process starts. Progress percentages are spoken.
Can use your tab keyboard key or insert+b to read the text prompt message.
Checkbox is available to run Replay Media Catcher.
Spacebar on checkbox to not run.
Finish button to complete.
Finish has shortcut alt+f

Replay Media Catcher 5 Upcoming release update & ALT keyboard key

Replay Media Catcher
Will make your ALT keyboard key press work correctly with the menu bars and when a chosen tab / module is active it will display the correct menu bar.
For example, when the
Library tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Library tab displays correctly with,
File - Library - View - Help
For example, when the
Internet tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Internet tab displays correctly with,
File - Internet - View - Help
For example, when the
Audio tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Audio tab displays correctly with,
File - Audio - View - Help
For example, when the
History tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the History tab displays correctly with,
File - History - View - Help
For example, when the
Guide tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Guide tab displays correctly with,
File - Guide - View - Help
For example, when the
Schedule tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Schedule tab displays correctly with,
File - Schedule - View - Help
If you do not hear all the tabs / controls / modules on the main interface press alt+v for the view menu bar and add each
one manually with your enter keyboard key press.
If you examine each menu bar line shown above you will notice that the 2nd menu bar is dynamic. It changes dependind on which tab / module / control on the main user interface is active at the given time.
Keyboard Shortcuts
To make a tab / module / control active you must press your enter keyboard key on the main interface tab / module / control.
While the Library tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+l to access the Library Menu Bar
While the Internet tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+i to access the Internet Menu Bar
While the Audio tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+a to access the Audio Menu Bar
While the History tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+h to access the History Menu Bar
The above conflicts with the help menu bar so the shortcut may change in a new update.
While the Guide tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+g to access the Guide Menu Bar
While the Schedule tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+s to access the Schedule Menu Bar

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Replay Converter 4.40 Keyboard Shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used in Replay Converter:

ALT + M = Minimize.
ALT + E = Exit.
ALT + T = About.
ALT + B = Target file browse.
ALT + D = Add file.
ALT + R = Remove file.
ALT + L = Clear file list.
ALT + S = Write to same folder.
ALT + N = Write to new folder.
ALT + A = Convert to Audio.
ALT + V = Convert to Video.
ALT + C = Start Conversion job.
ALT + O = Options.
ALT + H = Help.
ALT + X = Do not convert audio in video.
ALT + Y = Select Burn to CD/DVD check box.
ALT + P = Select Add DVD option.
Shift + Up Arrow = Move selected file up the list.
Shift + Down Arrow = Move selected file down the list.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Replay Media Catcher released released yesterday October 30.