Sunday, May 31, 2015

Window-Eyes 9.1 with Replay Media Catcher

You can still capture with Window Eyes 9.1.
Press alt+x to start the capture.
Open browser, play media.
Known current issues.
Window Eyes 9.1 user told me the following issues they have,
Capture Method button
Using down arrow key does not advance to the next mode.
The No Conversion Settings Control is flawed.
List View / Files list
The files are not heard when there are files in the list. For example, 3 files were there but using the up or down arrow keys do not work on the list view. Contents are not hear. Has to us the show in folder button to find the files within Windows Explorer.
Settings tab control properties tab sheets like Personalization and the others like the Audio Recordings tab sheets when on a control like Delete to Recycle Bin does not tell the user if the control is on / off / enabled / disabled.
In the Audio Recording tab sheet within settings tab the drop down / combo boxes do not work with up / down arrow keys but using alt+down arrow key press will work like for format and bit rates.
The data field like for Concurrent Downloads which its default is 5 does work to change.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

NVDA & Replay Media Catcher 6 more known issues

When using the context menu keyboard key which acts like using the shift+F10 to view the available options do not read when using the up and down arrow keys. Do not know why.

NVDA & Replay media Catcher

Opinions expressed are my own.
NVDA known issues with Replay Media Catcher
Many of the controls do not function correctly if you use the up / down arrow keys.
The audio tutorials show these issues and how to get around them.
The list view or files list requires you to have two or more files listed to read in normal conditions.
Otherwise, you will need to use your screen review insert+numpad7 then insert+numpad6.
The same goes when in the Schedule tab list view.
The No Conversion Settings button is flawed when using NVDA. Run JAWS demo or JAWS screen reader to set the No Conversion Settings to say MP3 > MP3 Default setting then go back to the NVDA screen reader.
The Guides tab is not accessible.
The Schedule tab when in the new schedule window setup window Capture combo box does not function with standard down / up arrows.
Use down arrow then up arrow to configure this combo box. Also, you can use letters A or D to hear all the available options in this combo box.
To set the date and time within the Schedule tab new Schedule Window use home and END key ( E N D key). Use up and down arrow keys to change a value and right or left arrow keys to move to the next field like from month to day to year. Use shift+tab and tab to re-hear your settings. Use insert+tab also.
Settings tab multi page window. When in edit fiels you will need to use your screen review or object review mode to change a value. Values will say blank instead of the actual number. For example, concurrent downloads edit field is 5 but NVDA will read it as blank so it requires the use of alternative modes to configure.
Listen to my audio tutorial I have done.
You can capture using the stream downloader and audio recorder.
I have not tested fully the DVR mode.
I am not subscribed to pay for services to test in order to capture the DVR feature.

JAWS & Replay Media Catcher 6

Known issues
Many of the pop up windows can only be read once with JAWS. Using insert+b will not re-read the pop up messages.
JAWS will lose focus on the RMC6 user interface so use insert+F4 to shut down JAWS then restart it with your hotkey.
No Conversion Settings button with version shows two Manufacturers listed and the first listed Manufacturers is actually the Formats option.
The Guides tab control is not accessible.
The Schedule tab control can be used but requires two listed scheduled events in the list view.
DVR Mode
Select the DVR mode via the Capture Method button.
Have not fully tested with JAWS.
If the DVR Browser button when selected with the enter button is supposed to show an Internet Explorer browser appearance with links and all elements after pasting a URL address in the address bar then it is not working correctly with JAWS.
For example, to login to a subscription based service in order to do the capture.
The software is not perfect but you can capture most content using the stream downloader and audio recorder modes.
Opinions expressed here are my own.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

JAWS losing focus with Replay Media Catcher 6

Again, if JAWS has focus issues like it saying Menu bar each time you are tabbing around within the Replay Media Catcher 6 program or when you are in the settings properties or if the main tab controls like Home, Guides, Schedule, Settings, Get Support are read back to you as h, G, S, S, g then please shutdown JAWS with insert+F4 then ok then restart JAWS with your keyboard hotkey. I do not know why this happens. When JAWS restarts focus is back until its lost again.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Replay Radio One Year Subscription Special for blind users

$14.95 One Year Subscription Special for Replay Radio for blind users.
Works well with JAWS 16 and NvDA 2015.1.
Get $15 off regular price by using the URL shown below,

Using Replay Radio as a podcatcher

NVDA 2015.1 similar steps used
Locate the RSS feed URL address for your favorite podcast.
Copy this RSS feed address to your clipboard.
Run Replay Radio application.
It's not free but it works.
Locate the add a show button on main user interface of Replay Radio and activate it.
The  scheduler window opens.
You are in the recordings tab properties by default and that is all you need to be at.
Pressing your tab key will land you in the name edit field so type in the name of your podcast.
Tab again and you will be in the URL field, paste in the feed URL address.
Tab again,
Capture: combo should be set to Direct download.
Tab again,
Download: combo should be set to Podcast RSS feed.
Tab again,
Screen reader does not say Save From but,
Saved From combo configuration
Date: combo month / Day / Year then in the same combo appears the hour / date / year.
Example, Save From combo box will say,
5/23/2015  3:00 PM in the same combo box.
You use your up or down arrow keys to change a number or can type in the number.
You will be focused on the month value.
To go to the date value you would press your right arrow key then use up or down arrow key to change the date field.
JAWS will speak when you edit the fields.
Set the year.
right arrow to edit the hour.
Right arrow to edit the minutes.
Right arrow to edit the AM or PM
Again each time you press your right arrow key simply use your up or down arrow key to edit the number or type in the number.
The Save From field allows you to go back in time to download the older podcasts that you want or may have missed.
Now press your tab key and you will land on this mute volume checkbox. This checkbox is not checked and do not make any changes to this checkbox unless you want to lose your screen reader's speech.
Press tab key,
Now we have passed the mute volume checkbox and hear this new combo box / drop list.
This combo box is the start the download / look for new podcasts at this specific time,
The Start Combo box will look like this
hour minutes PM
Set the time you want.
Press tab,
This is your start date to start downloading your podcasts.
Month / date / year
make the necessary changes.
Press tab,
Duration edit field should say minus1 that is dash 1
Leave as is.
Press tab again,
At complete: combo leave to None
Press tab again,
Time zone setting combo,
set to your time zone. Use up and down arrow keys.
Press tab,
Monday through Sunday checkboxes
If your podcast has shows on monday through Friday then choose those days.
Press tab until you hear the ok button and press enter key.
You have added your podcast to Replay Radio's Schedule tab list view.
Locate the Schedule tab on main user interface of replay Radio.
Stop at the schedule tab and then press tab to go inside its entries.
You will see your podcast listed that you added in the schedule tab list view contents area as an entry.
While in the list view use up or down arrow keys or first letter navigation.
All downloads will appear in the My Recordings list view on the main user interface of Replay Radio.
Your downloads are also on your hard drive.
You can also run on the fly start download podcast for your listed podcast by pressing your context menu key or shift+F10 and choose start recording option with enter key.
Replay Radio does not have to be running. It will wake up on its own to do its tasks whether it's a radio station timer recording or to start a podcast download.
To edit an existing podcasts properties simply find it in the schedule list view and press enter key. This will bring up the properties window for the podcast.
Its not free. Blind users can now get this program for $14.95 for a one year subscription. I have the special URL address link for you to get at this special price. $15 off regular price.
The special URL is
To download Replay Radio go to,
Audio Tutorials can be found at my blog at
Or ask me to send you the download link for the audio tutorials on Replay Radio by email to,

Pop up windows when using Replay Media Catcher with JAWS 16

There is a known issue with the pop up messages that appear when say you delete a file or whatever it is – you will hear the pop up prompt type message only once. You will be able to use your tab key to hear the Yes or No buttons but insert+b will not re-read the prompt message you receive if you use JAWS 16 with Replay Media Catcher 6. I do not know why. NVDA does not show this issue with the prompt pop up messages and insert+b works. Once you know what its saying you know what to do. You can do most things like delete within Windows Explorer. Try JAWS OCR feature on these pop up prompt type messages if needed.

Windows 8.1 users Screen Reader tip

If you are using Windows 7 or earlier no concerns.
If using Windows 8.1 and capturing music for example and when capturing your music contains your screen reader's synthesizer's speech output in these music recordings then do the following,
When recording has started turn off your screen reader application with JAWS its insert+F4 then choose ok then when done recording start JAWS with your hotkey. Mine is ctrl+alt+j
If you use NVDA to turn off NVDA speech use insert+q then choose ok. When done recording simply press your hotkey which is usually ctrl+alt+n.
This method will not record your synthesizer's speech output.
Your music will only get recorded.
Exceptions will be the first recording and last recording.
It's a good idea to turn off all other applications like email, Skype and other programs that may make sounds. Also, if you have scheduled scans set up and if these programs make sounds then reschedule these programs to scan at a different time and not when you are recording.
It's a Windows 8 thing.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Windows 8 Users

One would need to disable secure boot with Windows 8 / 8.1 if using the Application method. Or, one can switch the audio recording method to Stereo Mix and not disable secure boot. You can read the paragraph at the bottom of this linked page

Keyboard Shortcuts for Replay Radio

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Ctrl+r: Start an audio recording
  • Ctrl+x: Stop an audio recording
  • Ctrl+n: Create a new, empty schedule item
  • Ctrl+c: Copy currently selected schedule as a new schedule
  • Ctrl+e: Open currently selected schedule item for editing
  • Delete: Delete the currently selected item
  • Ctrl+g: Start the currently selected schedule item and record for given duration
  • Ctrl+t: Tune to the station on the currently selected schedule item. The Tune tab details must be filled in.
  • Ctrl+s: Open Settings
  • Escape: Stop the currently selected recording
  • F2: Rename the currently selected recording
  • Enter: Play the currently selected recording
  • F5: Restart the the currently selected recording
  • F

Keyboard Shortcuts Replay Media Catcher 6

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt + X = Start or Stop Auto mode Stream Downloading
Alt + R = Start or Stop audio recording
Alt + S = Split audio recording
Escape = Cancel selected download
Del = Delete selected recording(s) from computer
F2 = Rename selected download/recording.
Ctrl + R = Remove selected file(s) from the file listing, but don't delete from computer
Enter = Play selected download/recording
Ctrl + C = Converted selected files to format specified in global conversion settings
Ctrl + M = Converted selected files to MP3
Add = Combine multiple selected files
Ctrl + F = Fix FLV
F5 = Restart download (only possible for some download streams)
Ctrl + I = Import selected recording(s) into iTunes library
Ctrl + W = Import selected recording(s) into Windows Media Player library
Ctrl + O = Show selected file in Windows File Explorer
Alt + A = Show the album artwork in the Properties Window
Alt + L = Show the song lyrics in the Properties Window
Alt + T = Lookup ID3 tags (artist, song, album, etc) for selected song(s)
Alt + Enter = Open the download/recording properties window
Alt + I = Open file browser to Import songs into Replay Music
F1 = Open web browser to the Replay Media Catcher support page
Alt + F4 = Quit
Ctrl + L = Place cursor in the URL bar
Ctrl + S = Open Settings tab
Ctrl + tab = Next tab
Ctrl + shift + tab = Previous tab
Ctrl + v = With the file listing selected, the paste command can be used to import media files from the clipboard. Additionally, if you have copied multiple URLs from a text file, those can be queued for downloading.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Replay Music 7

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt + R = Start or Stop recording
Alt + S = Split recording
Del = Delete selected recording(s) from computer
F2 = Open the ID3 Tag Editor
Enter = Play selected recording
Ctrl + I = Import selected recording(s) into iTunes library
Ctrl + W = Import selected recording(s) into Windows Media Player library
Ctrl + O = Show selected file in Windows File Explorer
Ctrl + C = Combine multiple selected files
Alt + A = Show the album artwork in the Properties Window
Alt + L = Show the song lyrics in the Properties Window
Alt + T = Lookup ID3 tags (artist, song, album, etc) for selected song(s)
Alt + Enter = Open the recording properties window
Alt + I = Open file browser to Import songs into Replay Music
F1 = Open web browser to the Replay Music support page
Alt + F4 = Quit

Replay Music 7 User Guide

Replay Music Support

Download Replay Music

Replay Radio User Guide

Replay Radio Technical Support

Download Replay Radio

Always read the user guides

Check if your operating system is supported and the secure boot notice if you use Windows 8.1. All my tutorials were done using Windows 7 Pro and prior.

Replay Media Catcher 6 User Guide

Replay Media Catcher Technical Support

Download Replay Media Catcher

Thursday, May 21, 2015

NVDA Replay Music Advanced Audio Tutorial

Replay Music
Advanced Audio Tutorial
NVDA 2015.1
Read the user guide if you use Windows 8.1
Please listen to the first audio tutorial
You can find it at
Advanced Audio Tutorial Download

Replay music Beginner Quick Start Guide & Capture Music Audio Tutorial

Replay music Beginner Quick Start Guide & Capture Music Audio Tutorial
Replay Music
Windows 7 Pro
Read the RM7 User Guide
NVDA 2015.1
Contact Info
Have blind discount code available.
Record music streams that have silence between songs and have them split automatically into individual songs with artists name, title and album name. Automatically tagged for you.
Main interface is shown.
Note about the list view / files list
Must record two or more songs for the list view to show up in normal view.
Keyboard hotkey to start and stop recording is
Records 3 songs from music stream using IE browser.
The 3 songs are split into tracks and auto tagged with artist, title and album.
Plays back two songs to show quality.
Audio Tutorial Download

Schedule Tab Control layout & Adding New Schedule With Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorial

Schedule Tab Control layout & Adding New Schedule With Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorial
Replay Media Catcher
May 21, 2015
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro
Audio Tutorial is at the bottom
The Schedule tab control layout and its associated tab sheets are reviewed.
One way to configure the start recording time, date and duration values is shown.
Use home key for the first values, arrow 4 times to the right for the middle values to be set and end keyboard keys for the last values to set the above.
Use insert+tab to hear each value.
Shift+tab and tab to confirm the values.
Duration is 60 value for 1 hour.
Will have to use screen review mode insert+numpad 7 or object review insert+numpad 1 to set the duration edit value.
The audio tutorial shows you how its done.
For duration if it says 1440, use END keyboard key then backspace 4 times to delete then type in your new value.
The UTC combo box is for your media stream broadcast time zone. Its referred as TZ. The time they broadcast.
RMC6 will adjust the recording for you automatically as it will use your computer's time and date settings.
The Schedule tab control has the following tab sheets,
Override tags
When in the Schedule > General tab sheet properties,
Capture Combo Box use down arrow key then up arrow key to hear all the available options.
You can also use accelerator keys letters A or D to hear all the available options within this capture combo box.
Once you have set your new schedule choose the save schedule button.
Audio Tutorial Download

Replay Radio Audio Tutorials Download Links

Via Dropbox
Replay Radio Audio Tutorials
Two Zip files are below
Replay Radio Audio Tutorials Zip
Zip #1
Zip #2

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

NVDA Capturing Music with Replay media Catcher

Capturing Music that contains silence between songs with Replay Media Catcher using NVDA 2015.1.
Read the entire message.
Earlier versions of Replay Media Catcher 6 will not work and is not accessible with NVDA.
Prior audio tutorials can be found at,
Capture Music Audio Tutorial link is below
Settings you need to configure are,
Go to Capture Method button.
Press spacebar.
Choose Audio Recorder mode.
Use of screen review insert+numpad 7 and insert numpad 4 or 6 is required.
Try spacebar then down arrow key then numpad 4 or numpad 6 to locate the audio recorder mode.
Listen to my earlier podcast on this if you need help.
Use insert+numpad / then numpad / to select the Audio Recorder.
Press tab key until you hear Tab Control spoken by NVDA.
Down arrow until you hear Settings tab.
We are going to go inside the Settings tab control's multi page tab interface.
While you have focus on the Settings tab now press your tab key two times. You will skip the reset button as you do this.
You will hear NVDA say tab control.
You are on the Settings multi page tab controls.
Press your right arrow key until you have focus on the Audio Recordings tab sheet.
We are going to go inside the Audio Recordings properties to make the following changes.
You go inside by pressing your tab keyboard key each time to hear its controls that are available.
So we have navigated to
Settings tab > Audio Recordings tab sheet >
and set the following to;
Application default is Application
Format type combo box
Bit Rate combo box
Record Silence switch should be set to OFF
Its a toggle so use spacebar to toggle it.
Use insert+tab to hear the current status
Split On Silence Switch is ON
If it says off press spacebar to toggle it.
Use insert+tab to hear the current status
Press alt+r to start recording
Open music source like within your browser.
Play the stream.
alt+tab back to RMC6 program and locate the list view or walk away from your computer.
At night, if you do not want to hear the music from your speakers connect a 1/8 inch cable to the output jack of your computer.
Focus is within RMC6 program.
The RMC6 list view / files list will show you your recordings in progress.
File name, file size, bit rate and status.
You will hear sound beats each time a song has been split.
After each sound beat a new file will be created in the RMC6 list view.
After each sound beat RMC6 will identify the song with song name and more.
It will tag your song.
When done press alt+r to stop recording.
Look at your RMC6 list view or go to your default storage folder on the hard drive to view and play your music.
***  Important ***
When done capturing music you should change your settings back to in order to capture your videos like on youtube to the below.
Choose Capture Method button with spacebar
Choose Stream Downloader.
Go to Settings tab control then Audio Recordings tab sheet and set the following to,
Record Silence switch should be set to ON
Its a toggle so use spacebar to toggle it.
Use insert+tab to hear current switch status
Split On Silence Switch is OFF
If it says ON press spacebar to toggle it.
Use insert+tab to hear current switch status

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Capturing Music, Auto Split each song and more with Replay Media Catcher JAWS

Capturing Music, Auto Split each song and more with Replay Media Catcher JAWS
Capturing Music that contains silence between songs with Replay Media Catcher using JAWS only.
Read the entire message.
NVDA has issues but can be used if you know what to do.
Prior audio tutorials can be found at,
Capture Music Audio Tutorial link is below
Settings you need to configure are,
Note in the audio tutorial I did the below within the stream downloader mode settings the below then opened the capture Method button and chose Audio Recorder mode.
Also, I mentioned you may need to  shut down JAWS then restart it if focus is lost.
Use your hotkey to restart JAWS. Mine is ctrl+alt+j I think I said ctrl+alt+F4 at the end so do not do this ctrl+alt+F4.
You should do it this way,
Go to Capture Method button.
Choose Audio Recorder mode.
Navigate to
Settings tab > Audio Recordings tab sheet >
and set your
Format type
Bit Rate
Record Silence switch should be set to OFF
Its a toggle so use spacebar to toggle it.
Shift+tab and tab to re-hear the switch status.
Split On Silence Switch is ON
If it says off press spacebar to toggle it.
Shift+tab and tab to hre-hear the switch status.
Press alt+r to start recording
Open music source like within your browser.
Play the stream.
alt+tab back to RMC6 program and locate the list view or walk away from your computer.
If you do not want to hear the music from your speakers connect a 1/8 inch cable to the output jack of your computer.
Focus is within RMC6 program.
When done press alt+r to stop recording.
Look at your list view or go to your default storage folder on the hard drive to view and play your music.
***  Important ***
When done capturing music you should change your settings back to in order to capture your videos like on youtube to the below.
Choose Capture Method button with spacebar
Choose Stream Downloader.
Go to Settings tab control then Audio Recordings tab sheet and set the following to,
Record Silence switch should be set to ON
Its a toggle so use spacebar to toggle it.
Shift+tab and tab to re-hear the switch status.
Split On Silence Switch is OFF
If it says ON press spacebar to toggle it.
Shift+tab and tab to hre-hear the switch status.

Why is it? UIA and non UIA situation update

UIA and non UIA version of this program results are,
JAWS 16 handles this program's interface well except the cocasional focus issue which can be fix by shutting down JAWS and restarting JAWS.
UIA version of this program,
Got word last night that Window Eyes can handle the UIA version of this program but not the non UIA version.
Will find out more on this soon.
Now to NVDA,
NVDA handles the non UIA version much better than the UIA version of this program.
Go figure why main straem developers are lost when it comes to supporting screen readers with their programs.
If there is an Addon developer who can write code for this program let me know.
They should be very easy fixes to do as I know the issue areas.
Otherwise I can wait for AT Prime to come around because it should be a technology breakthrough in the screen reader world.

Monday, May 18, 2015

NVDA Settings tab properties shown Replay media Catcher

Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorials Continued
NVDA Settings tab properties shown Replay media Catcher
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro
If you want to test this non-release version let me know.
Looking for experienced NVDA / Window Eyes 9.1 users only
To listen to the previous audio tutorials go to,
Now to the podcasts,
Settings tab properties shown, Internet Downloads tab sheet properties which is found within the Settings tab. Two Internet Downloads tab settings reviewed.
What is switch is on & Switch is off? Use spacebar to toggle the switch status then insert+tab to re-read the status.
choosing your settings for,
Settings tab > Internet Downloads >
Preferred download Quality: Hi Medium Low
Preferred Download Format - prompt, any, FLV, MP4 and other options available
Pressing ctrl+tab also works to jump into each tab sheet's properties within the settings tab window.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

NVDA Converting to MP3 via list view ctrl+m of Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorials

Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorials Continued
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro
NVDA Converting to MP3 via list view ctrl+m of Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorials
If you want to test this non-release version let me know.
Looking for experienced NVDA / Window Eyes 9.1 users only
To listen to the previous audio tutorials go to,
Now to the podcasts,
How to convert a non MP3 file in the list biew, renaming a file in the list view, to convert this non MP3 file to MP3 use hotkey ctrl+m when focused on the file in your list view.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

NVDA Viewing and editing parameters within Replay Media Catcher

Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorials Continued
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro
If you want to test this non-release version let me know.
Looking for experienced NVDA / Window Eyes 9.1 users only
To listen to the previous audio tutorials go to,
Now to the podcasts,
Changing a parameter / edit field value within Settings tab > Internet Downloads > Concurrent Downloads Explained

Friday, May 15, 2015

NVDA Capturing with Replay Media Catcher

Replay Media Catcher 6.0.072
Capturing Methods Shown
Two Recordings
Windows 7 Pro
Capturing YouTube content using Replay Media Catcher's URL address bar
Playback a captured file
Capturing YouTube using alt+x hotkey
Playback a captured file

Thursday, May 14, 2015

JAWS & NVDA: What is this Replay Media Catcher & Current Audio Tutorials for blind screen reader users

Replay Media Catcher
What is it?
User Guide
BlindReplay Blog
First to those who use JAWS 16 here is a zip file for you.
Audio Tutorials using Replay Media Catcher
Now to NVDA 2015.1 users
This version has not been publicly released yet but will be. I made an audio tutorial showing the new and improved user interface using NVDA. I will release a new tutorial each day. Do not try to use a older version of Replay Media Catcher 6 with NVDA as it will not work for you. Look for version or greater. I am still looking for power NVDA users to test because I am seeing some controls I need help with. Skype is best. My Skype ID is  petrogia
If you plan to capture just the youtube media this program is completely free and captures 100% of the youtube media.
Now to the first audio tutorial.
Main Interface
Dropbox URL
Installing Replay Media Catcher or higher with NVDA.
Dropbox Download
Using NVDA,
If you missed the previous audio tutorials go to,
Capture Method button explained in depth
Using NVDA,
If you missed the earlier podcasts go to
The Capture Method button briefly shown

NVDA Replay Media Catcher & the Capture Method button briefly shown

NVDA Replay media Catcher & Capture method button explained in depth

NVDA Replay Media Catcher Capture Method button In Depth

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

NVDA Replay Media Catcher Installation

Installing Replay Media Catcher or higher with NVDA.
Dropbox Download

NVDA Replay Media Catcher Main Interface Shown

This version has not been publicly released yet but will be. I made an audio tutorial showing the new and improved user interface using NVDA. I will release a new tutorial each day. Do not try to use a older version of Replay Media Catcher 6 with NVDA as it will not work for you. Look for version or greater. I am still looking for power NVDA users to test because I am seeing some controls I need help with. Skype is best. My Skype ID is  petrogia
If you plan to capture just the youtube media this program is completely free and captures 100% of the youtube media.
Now to the first audio tutorial.
Dropbox URL

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Replay media Catcher & NVDA users

When released Replay Media Catcher has been greatly improved to work well with the NVDA screen reader. Disregard most of my earlier posts on NVDA not working with Replay Media Catcher and earlier. Just use version or higher.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Replay Media Catcher & browsers

Yes. Version .72 works with YouTube videos. In Firefox, I have to copy and paste the URL to download. The Auto mode does not work for me in Firefox. In Chrome, Auto mode works but the actual video doesn't start to play, even though the file gets downloaded in Replay Media Catcher. Copy and paste should work fine with all browsers. The auto mode hotkey is alt+x to start a capture and stop its alt+x