Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Replay Radio Folder Creation

You want your X Y Z radio station recordings to be stored to a designated folder instead of the default RR9 folder.
Also, you want your A B C podcasts to be stored to this other designated folder.
To do the above, you would;
This OK button is found when you add a station, show or podcast via the replay guide, add a show manually via the main user interface of Replay Radio 9 or when you edit an existing entry in your Schedule list view.
1. Locate the OK button within your scheduler properties window.
2. When you have focus on this ok button press shift+tab one time.
You will hear something like menu split.
3. Press your space bar.
4. Down arrow and locate new folder and press enter.
Edit box appears.
Type in name of new folder.
Press enter.
Tab over to the OK button and press enter.
You are not finished.
Repeat the steps shown below;
This OK button is found when you add a station, show or podcast via the replay guide, add a show manually via the main user interface of Replay Radio 9 or when you edit an existing entry in your Schedule list view.
1. Locate the OK button within your scheduler properties window.
2. When you have focus on this ok button press shift+tab one time.
You will hear something like menu split.
3. Press your space bar.
4. Down arrow and locate the X Y Z folder and press enter.
Tab over to the OK button and press enter to save.
Now all the recordings you make in the future will be save in the X Y Z folder for your X Y Z radio station.
Now to the A B C Podcast show and how to designate it to a specific folder.
1. Locate the OK button within your scheduler properties window.
2. When you have focus on this ok button press shift+tab one time.
You will hear something like menu split.
3. Press your space bar.
4. Down arrow and locate new folder and press enter.
Edit box appears.
Type in name of new folder.
Press enter.
Tab over to the OK button and press enter.
You are not finished.
Repeat the steps shown below;
This OK button is found when you add a station, show or podcast via the replay guide, add a show manually via the main user interface of Replay Radio 9 or when you edit an existing entry in your Schedule list view.
1. Locate the OK button within your scheduler properties window.
2. When you have focus on this ok button press shift+tab one time.
You will hear something like menu split.
3. Press your space bar.
4. Down arrow and locate the ABC folder and press enter.
Tab over to the OK button and press enter to save.
Now all the recordings you make in the future will be save in the ABC folder for your ABC podcast.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

NVDA, Replay Media Catcher 6 list view , Solving the list view with two or more files & more omfp

Replay Media Catcher
Will refer as RMC6
Using the list view (files list) & invoking the context menu list for a particular file in the list view
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Blindreplay blog
When using NVDA the list view will not display your files you have captured unless you have two or more files via captures or recordings.
JAWS does not have this behavior.
Solutions are to use,
alt+i which is the import keyboard shortcut to import two not so important files into the list view contents area.
After you have done your very first capture you will notice three new buttons immediately after the list view control and they are,
Show in Folder
Choose the show in folder button with spacebar and this will open your Windows Explorer / Files Explorer default storage location. This is your hard drive location where your files are stored currently. This was set by the Applian developer.
So make sure you have two or more files in the RMC6 list view.
If you do not then you'll have to use the show in folder steps above or NVDA object navigation insert+numpad1 then insert+numpad6.
NVDA calls this list view as (List) without the parentheses once you have landed on it via tabbing around.
When you have two or more files in the rMC6 list view you can use first letter navigation and your up or down arrow keys.
Have focus on a file that is in the list view.
Verify with insert+numpad5.
Doing a right click or shift+F10 or context menu on the file we currently have focus on and wanting to make changes to this file or other files is not possible unless you do the steps shown below or uses the valuable keyboard hotkeys like,
ctrl+m which will convert your non MP3 file to MP3.
Say in the very first capture you make the file in the list view is MP4 or FLv and you want it to be in MP3.
Place focus on this non MP3 file and press ctrl+m and you will get your file in MP3 format.
Also, you can use ctrl+c which will use your global conversion setting you have set.
This global setting is not limited to the MP3 format.
If you want all your captures to be globally converted to MP3 while capturing then read my text tutorial about the No Conversion Settings control button which shows you how to set it to MP3 and at a specific bit rate.
Now to using the context menu keyboard key while you have focus on a file in the RMC6 list view to view the context menu list of available options. Tip is to use the keyboard shortcuts shown below instead for fatger results.
NVDA does not show the context menu list correctly currently so do the step shown below,
The List View Information
This only applies when only one file is in the list view.
Tab until you hear NVDA says list.
You have focus on the list view (files list view).
NVDA will not tell you the name of this file but you will notice a properties, play and show in folder button.
This tells you there is a file in the RMC6 list view.
So locate the list view by using the tab key until you hear NVDA say list and stop tabbing.
Insert+tab will reveal the focused control.
To find the hidden file  do,
insert+numpad 7 then again
insert+numpad 7 for no review
Press insert+numpad1 for object navigation,
Press insert+numpad6
You will hear NVDA say graphics. This is most likely the icon image for the file in your list view.
Press insert+numpad6 again and you will hear the file name.
Press insert+numpad /
Press context menu key, or shift+F10.
NVDA will say Menu.
Press insert+numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
Press insert+numpad *
Press insert numpad4 or insert+numpad 6 to hear the context menu list of options,
They are,
save to MP3
Import in WMP
Show In Folder
Since we are working on just one file and only one file is currently in the list view press the option you want like save to MP3 with insert+numpad / then numpad /.
I strongly recommend you add two or more files in the RMC6 list view so you will not have to deal with the above steps but instead do the steps shown below.
The above have keyboard shortcuts that you can use.
Just make sure you have two or more files in your list view to make it easier for you.
Read beginning of this article to find out how.
You can capture two sources is one way to do this.
List View Now has two or more files Information
The below only apply when the RmC6 list view has two or mor files
The list view function correctly.
Use up or down arrow keys to find your file.
Use first letter navigation.
Place focus on a file within the RMC6 list view,
Use the keyboard shortcuts that apply for list view content shown below.
Note the shortcuts are not all for the list view so only use those that apply.
Like ctrl+m
ctrl+c if you have set global conversion setting already.
delete key
Keyboard shortcuts
I have not tested all of these.
Alt + X = Start or Stop Auto mode Stream Downloading
Alt + R = Start or Stop audio recording
Alt + S = Split audio recording
The above work.
Escape = Cancel selected download
Del = Delete selected recording(s) from computer
F2 = Rename selected download/recording.
Ctrl + R = Remove selected file(s) from the file listing, but don't delete from computer
Enter = Play selected download/recording
Ctrl + C = Converted selected files to format specified in global conversion settings
The one below works,
Ctrl + M = Converted selected files to MP3
Not sure about these,
Add = Combine multiple selected files
Ctrl + F = Fix FLV
F5 = Restart download (only possible for some download streams)
Ctrl + I = Import selected recording(s) into iTunes library
Ctrl + W = Import selected recording(s) into Windows Media Player library
Ctrl + O = Show selected file in Windows File Explorer
Alt + A = Show the album artwork in the Properties Window
Alt + L = Show the song lyrics in the Properties Window
Alt + T = Lookup ID3 tags (artist, song, album, etc) for selected song(s)
Alt + Enter = Open the download/recording properties window
The below do work,
Alt + I = Open file browser to Import songs into Replay Media Catcher 6
F1 = Open web browser to the Replay Media Catcher support page
Alt + F4 = Quit
Ctrl + L = Place cursor in the URL bar
Not sure abot the below,
Ctrl + S = Open Settings tab does work with JAWS.
The below do work in most instances
Ctrl + tab = Next tab
Ctrl + shift + tab = Previous tab
The below works,
Ctrl + v = With the file listing selected, the paste command can be used to import media files from the clipboard. Additionally, if you have copied multiple URLs from a text file, those can be queued for downloading.

NVDA, Replay Media Catcher 6 Using the schedule tab control to set up future recordings

Using the Schedule Tab Control to setup a future timed recording and more.
Replay Media Catcher
Will refer as RMC6
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Read the RMC6 user guide first.
Blindreplay blog
Configuring the Conversion Settings button control within the Schedule tab control.
Works the same way as the RMC6 main interface Conversion Settings button control.
The Schedule tab control allows one to set up future recordings by time and date. Its very powerful.
To find this Schedule tab control you would,
Run RMC6 desktop icon.
Wait for the splash screen to load.
Do a shift tab key press. Then tab one time.
NVDA will say Tab control.
Maximize RMC6
Where you heard NVDA say Tab Control simply use your down arrow key to hear,
Usually it will take you to the Guides tab control so press up arrow to hear Home tab control,
Press down arrow repeatedly to hear the rest shown below,
Get Support
So locate the Schedule tab control with your arrow key.
Press your tab key one time from the Schedule tab control.
You will land on the New Schedule button.
Press spacebar to activate the New Schedule button.
You will have focus in the General tab sheet properties and will be in the Schedule name edit field.
If you shift+tab away from this Schedule Name edit fieldyou will hear NVDA say Tab Control.
This signifies you have landed on the Schedule tab sheet tabs area.
Use your right arrow key repeatedly to hear all the tab sheets that are available for the Schedule properties window.
You can use your left arrow key if necessary.
The Schedule window has the following property tab sheets.
General | Schedule | Settings | Split |Override Tags
Use insert+tab to hear the control name when in the properties.
Schedule > General tab properties tips
Press insert+tab and you will hear the name of your control. For example when focus on the Capture Method combo box NVDA will say
Capture Method combo box
We are on the,
Capture Method combo box / drop down
Press letter A repeatedly to hear the available options.
Press letter D repeatedly to hear the available options.
Using the down arrow key does not work here.
Next press tab to hear the next control.
Use insert+tab to hear NVDA say
At Complete: combo box None                               
This combo box works so use your down or up arrow keys.
Further down there will be an edit box to paste in your media URL address.
When you hear this save schedule button, my experience only, stop at this save schedule button and do not proceed with the tab key press but press ctrl+tab to place focus in the next tab sheet properties within  the Schedule window properties.
Basically it will jump to the next tab sheet properties.
You will see checkboxes for Monday thru Sunday.
Next you have,
TZ time zone combo box
This is for your media source local broadcast time. The time they broadcast in their time zone and not to be confused with your local time settings.
Next we have the Start time combo box and start date combo boxes.
Use insert+tab to hear the control's name and values / digit numbers you have set.
The start time combo box edit field defaults to the AM / PM field.
Use up or down arrow key and you will toggle this from AM to PM or PM to AM.
To verify the change press insert+tab and NVDA will say the value / digits.
Use your home keyboard key to place focus on the hour value.
Then use up or down arrow key to set the hour value number.
Use insert+tab to hear you settings you have set for the time.
Press right arrow 3 times to set the minutes value for your start time.
Use up or down arrow keys to set the minutes value.
Use insert+tab to hear your start time settings.
Press your END keyboard key to set the AM / PM setting.
This is your E N D keyboard key and not the letter N key I am referring to here.
Use up or down arrow key to set the AM / PM.
Use insert+tab to hear the settings.
You have set the start time.
Press your tab key next.
You land on the start date combo box.
Use the same steps mentioned above dealing with the start time settings.
The steps work the same way.
Now press your tab keyboard key to land on the Duration edit field.
This Duration field requires a number value.
Press insert+num pad 7 two times until it says no review.
Press insert+numpad1 for object review.
Press insert+numpad2
Press insert+numpad 5 to hear the current value for the duration edit field.
type in a value now like 60.
Press insert+numpad 5 to hear the value you have set for the duration field.
If its incorrect then press your END key. That is the E N D keyboard key. Press backspace to delete these numbers and now type in 60.
Press insert+numpad 5 to hear the duration value.
You can use the standard up and down arrow keys to change your current value you have typed in already.
If its correct then press insert+numpad1 to get out of object review.
Type in 60 for 1 hour recording.
Type 120 for 2 hour recordeing.
Tab now.
You land on the save schedule button and stop here.
Press ctrl+tab to advance to the next property sheet which is the settings property sheet.
RMC6 has controls that can be configured to be on which means enabled or off which means disabled within some property tab sheet properties.
NVDA will say switch is ON for some controls and switch is off for other controls.
To change from switch off to on or switch from on to off you simply press your spacebar.
Press insert+tab to confirm that this is what you want.
NVDA will say the current switch status to you.
Like switch is on or switch is off.
The Settings tab property window has this Conversion Settings button.
This Conversion Settings button control can be configured the same way as the main user interface RMC6 Conversion Settings control text notes I have posted in my blog where I show how to use this control or ask me for these notes.
Choose spacebar on the save schedule button to save the schedule you have set up.
The Schedule list view contents does not appear until you have two or more schedules setup.
This is a NVDA issue or Infragistics issue.
You can do the following,
Create two fake schedules, false start times and start dates plus fake URL addresses contain just the text of http: in the URL field and save the schedule.
Keep these two fake scheduled events in the list view forever and you will be fine.
With two entries now in the list view you will notice the list view functions correctly.
Practice with RMC6.
Finally,You can use ctrl+tab to jump to the next tab sheet like say you are in the General tab properties and presses ctrl+tab it will take you to the Schedule tab sheet properties.
Be careful with the shift+ctrl+tab as it may take you out of the Schedule properties window altogether. As you become more familiar with RMC6 you will know what has happened and will find the place you want to be.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

NVDA Using Replay Media Catcher 6 Capture Method button control

Replay Media Catcher
Will refer as RMC6
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Blindreplay blog
Using the Capture Method button control with NVDA
Maximize RMC6.
Find the Capture Method button control by using your tab keyboard key.
Press your spacebar.
NVDA will say Menu.
Press insert+numpad/
Press insert+numpad *
Use insert+numpad4 or insert+numpad6 to review your capture method options which are,
Stream Downloader which is the default
Audio Recordder
Digital Video Recorder
Place focus on one of the above modes like Audio Recorder.
Use insert+numpad 5 to hear what you are on.
Press insert+numpad/ then numpad /.
You have made the Audio Recorder the current capture method.
You will be back on main user interface of RMC6.
Review your Capture Method button status. It will say audio Recorder. You can do a shift+tab and tab back to this control. You will hear the tooltip.
Also the interface will have this split button and start recording button which you do not see while you are in the Stream Downloader mode.
If you close RMC6 it will default back to Stream Downloader mode capture method option next time you run RMC6.
Using the Capture Method control button
Note with NVDA if you capture just one file you will need to use the show in folder button found on the main interface of RMC6 to view the file.
If you capture two or more files then the list view 'files list' of your captured files functions normally. You can up / down arrow in the list and use first letter navigation within this list view.
When tabbing within the RMC6 main user interface the first time around you will hear this list spoken by NVDA. NVDA will say list with its speech. This is your list view / files list view of your captured media or recordings. Also you may here the tooltip for this list view object. I cannot remember at the moment.
Read the user guide if you have Windows 8.1.

NVDA Configuring the No Conversion Settings button Update

Replay Media Catcher
NvDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Configuring the No Conversion Settings control button found on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher using NVDA 2015.1
The steps below are to set the MP3 format to the MP3 Default bit rate thus telling Replay Media Catcher 6 to automatically convert all captures / recordings to the MP3 whether the original file was an MP3 or any other format like MP4 / FLV. You will have the original format and the MP3 file since we are going to tell Replay Media Catcher 6 via this No Conversion Settings control button to globally convert all captures to MP3.
Run Replay Media Catcher which I will call RMC6.
Maximize RMC6.
Locate the No Conversion Settings button with your tab keyboard key.
Press spacebar on the No Conversion Settings button.
You should hear NVDA say Menu.
If you do not hear Menu please press your escape key two times to get out and redo the steps above until you hear NVDA say MENU.
Now that we heard NVDA say Menu we would do the following,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
Use your insert+numpad 4 to go up the list
Use insert+numpad6 to go down the list
You are reviewing the list.
The list should say from top to bottom,
Manufacturers (This is the Formats submenu)
I do not know why this is but the first Manufacturers you hear in this list is actually the Formats submenu.
JAWS does the same.
Continuing with this list you have,
Manufacturers (2nd one in the list)
Output Folder
Don't Convert
The above is what should appear for you in the list.
Locate the first Manufacturers in the list by using insert+numpad4 until you have focus on it.
Now do,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
You have opened the formats submenu,
Press insert+numpad2
You will hear 3gp
If you do not hear 3gp and hears amazon then you were in the wrong submenu and in the 2nd Manufacturers submenu and were not focus on the 1st Manufacturers (Formats) submenu.
We hear 3GP.
Press insert+numpad6 to navigate down the list of Formats options.
You will hear
as you press insert+numpad6 each time and if you keep pressing insert+numpad6 you will hear
MP3 is spoken by NVDA.
We now have focus on the MP3 submenu.
Now do,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
Now do,
insert+numpad2 to go inside the MP3 bit rates list.
Use insert+numpad6 repeatedly to hear all the available MP3 bit rates.
That is press insert+numpad6 to hear one bit rate then press insert+numpad6 to go down to the next bit rate and so on.
You can use insert+numpad4 to go up the list of available MP3 bit rates.
We are looking for the MP3 Default bit rate from the list so locate it.
To select the Mp3 Default bit rate press,
insert+numpad / then
numpad /
NVDA will say left click.
Now shift+tab and tab on the main interface of RMC6 or tab around and you will hear NVDA announced Mp3 Default instead of the usual No Conversion Settings button we had originally.
You will hear convert to: MP3 Default
We have told RMC6 to globally convert all captures to MP3 Default bit rate. You will still recieve the original file format too.
Say you want it back to No Conversion Settings
You would do the following,
Find the MP3 Default button on main user interface. It used to read as No Conversion Settings button.
Press spacebar.
You should hear NVDA say Menu.
If not, start over.
Press escape two times and focus again on the MP3 Default button.
Do the steps again.
Now that it says Menu do,
insert+numpad /
NVDA will say Menu again.
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
You will hear the list.
Use insert+numpad 4 or insert+numpad 6 until you hear,
Don't Convert
Focus is on the Don't convert option so do,
insert+numpad / then
numpad /
The button now reads as No Conversion Settings. The factory default.
Your files will not get globally converted
You will get the original source file stream type only when you capture.

NVDA users How to use and configure the NO Conversion Settings button control

Configuring the No Conversion Settings control button found on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher using NVDA 2015.1
Replay Media Catcher
NvDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Configuring the No Conversion Settings control button found on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher using NVDA 2015.1
The steps below are to set the MP3 format to the MP3 Default bit rate thus telling Replay Media Catcher 6 to automatically convert all captures / recordings to the MP3 whether the original file was an MP3 or any other format like MP4 / FLV. You will have the original format and the MP3 file since we are going to tell Replay Media Catcher 6 via this No Conversion Settings control button to globally convert all captures to MP3.
Run Replay Media Catcher which I will call RMC6.
Maximize RMC6.
Locate the No Conversion Settings button with your tab keyboard key.
Press spacebar on the No Conversion Settings button.
You should hear NVDA say Menu.
If you do not hear Menu please press your escape key two times to get out and redo the steps above until you hear NVDA say MENU.
Now that we heard NVDA say Menu we would do the following,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is the right click)
Use your insert+numpad 4 to go up the list
Use insert+numpad6 to go down the list
You are reviewing the list.
The list should say from top to bottom,
Manufacturers (This is the Formats submenu)
I do not know why this is but the first Manufacturers you hear in this list is actually the Formats submenu.
JAWS does the same.
Continuing with this list you have,
Manufacturers (2nd one in the list)
Output Folder
Don't Convert
The above is what should appear for you in the list.
Locate the first Manufacturers in the list by using insert+numpad4 until you have focus on it.
Now do,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is the right click)
You have opened the formats submenu,
Press insert+numpad2
You will hear 3gp
If you do not hear 3gp and hears amazon then you were in the wrong submenu and in the 2nd Manufacturers submenu and were not focus on the 1st Manufacturers (Formats) submenu.
We hear 3GP.
Press insert+numpad6 to navigate down the list of Formats options.
You will hear
as you press insert+numpad6 each time and if you keep pressing insert+numpad6 you will hear
MP3 is spoken by NVDA.
We now have focus on the MP3 submenu.
Now do,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is the right click)
Now do,
insert+numpad2 to go inside the MP3 bit rates list.
Use insert+numpad6 repeatedly to hear all the available MP3 bit rates.
That is press insert+numpad6 to hear one bit rate then press insert+numpad6 to go down to the next bit rate and so on.
You can use insert+numpad4 to go up the list of available MP3 bit rates.
We are looking for the MP3 Default bit rate from the list so locate it.
To select the Mp3 Default bit rate press,
insert+numpad / then
numpad /
NVDA will say left click.
Now shift+tab and tab on the main interface of RMC6 or tab around and you will hear NVDA announced Mp3 Default instead of the usual No Conversion Settings button we had originally.
You will hear convert to: MP3 Default
We have told RMC6 to globally convert all captures to MP3 Default bit rate. You will still recieve the original file format too.
Say you want it back to No Conversion Settings
You would do the following,
Find the MP3 Default button on main user interface. It used to read as No Conversion Settings button.
Press spacebar.
You should hear NVDA say Menu.
If not, start over.
Press escape two times and focus again on the MP3 Default button.
Do the steps again.
Now that it says Menu do,
insert+numpad /
NVDA will say Menu again.
insert+numpad * (right mouse click)
You will hear the list.
Use insert+numpad 4 or insert+numpad 6 until you hear,
Don't Convert
Focus is on the Don't convert option so do,
insert+numpad / then
numpad /
The button now reads as No Conversion Settings. The factory default.
Your files will not get globally converted
You will get the original source file stream type only when you capture.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

REplay Radio & JAWS losing focus sometimes tip

If you see menu bar spoken everywhere or shortcut letters on the screen of Replay Radio and are using JAWS then JAWS has lost focus. Solution is to,
Press insert+F4 to shut down JAWS then restart JAWS with your hotkey. Most use ctrl+alt+j Focus is back now.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Replay Capture Suite

Has 7 programs in the suite.
$79 regular price
-$20 Suite blind code
$59 Final Price
That works out to $8.45 per application in the suite.
Ask me any questions.

Replay Capture Suite $20 off code

Applian's Replay Media Capture Suite
The Replay Capture Suite promo code is
Blind Forum Suite 
The above code is case sensitive.
$20 off the regular price of the suite package.
You get one product key that you use to activate each product.
You do not have to use all the applications that are available in the suite.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Using Demo versions

I have tested with NVDA and JAWS 16 Replay Radio and Replay Music 7.
Using Windows 7 Pro.
As of June 5, 2015.
Read the user guide.
If you have Windows 8 read the user guide. You will need to use the stereo mix / what you hear.
Applian wrote,
All of our programs are available as free demos. One can use Replay Radio or any other program in free demo mode forever. The demo mode for Replay Radio is fully functional. The limitations are one can capture up to 50% of on-demand downloads and 1 minute of live audio in demo mode.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Replay Media Catcher 6 & Guides tab content

Been this way for a long time. The Guides tab control's media content has been inaccessible. It would be a nice feature to have but not required in order to capture.

JAWS & Replay Media Catcher

JAWS 16 known issues. Just in case you missed it.
Dialog prompt text windows are not spoken in most instances.
The most eratating thing is the announcement of the word Menu bar Menu bar Menu bar when focus is lost. Menu bar is heard every time the user presses his tab key.
Work around is to use insert+F4 to shut down JAWS and restart it with your JAWS startup hotkey.
Until focus is lost again.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Window-Eyes 9.1 & Replay media Catcher update

A user has told me that using ctrl+shift+s on the Settings tab, Internet Downloads tab properties checkbox for the Winpcap does tell the user whether the check box is checked or unchecked. So this is good news if you are using Window-Eyes 9.1.