I use Replay Converter 3.20 when buying Replay AV 8.52. To learn more go to:
They usually put a special for Replay AV near Christmas time and if they do I will post it here.
I know Replay Converter is accessible as I tested it for accessibility with JAWS. Just remember these tips:
Use spacebar only when on main interface of Replay Converter to activate a button.
Use tab key to advance to a button on main interface.
To burn the wmv file to a DVD blank disc do:
Purchase Replay AV 8.52 which includes Replay Converter 3.20 application. You will need to copy and paste the product key. Be patient during the install process. Install all parts which are Replay AV 8.52, Codecs, Replay Converter, WinPCat and YouSendIt Express.
After installation reboot your computer.
1. Run Replay Converter program from the desktop icon.
2. You will get 5-6 hints/tips on how to use the application so read these.
3. Use your tab key until you hear 'add files'
4. Press your spacebar keyboard key and never use the enter key.
5. Locate and add your .wmv file or files and choose open.
6. You added your .wmv files and are back on Replay Converter's main program's interface.
7. If you keep tabbing you will hear a listview box and you can down arrow in this list to hear what files you have added.
8. In the listview you will hear the status for each file as 'pending'.
9. Now keep tabbing until you locate 'convert audio' button - then press your down arrow key until you hear 'burn'. Press spacebar on the burn button.
10. Press your tab key one time now.
11. Down arrow to "DVD NTSC' if this is for USA playback. If its for most other places to watch it then choose DVD PAL. So arrow to the choice and then press your tab key one time.
11. Press spacebar on 'Start conversion job' button
12. The CD/DVD Burn Wizard appears now.
13. Insert your Blank DVD disc into the drive bay.
14. follow the on screen dialog boxes.
15. You will see 7 different dialog box xcreens and most of these you will not need to change any settings except for screens looking for:
You must select a burning speed like 2.4x or 4x. Basically you tab to it and arrow down to select the burn speed.
16. It takes quite a bit of time to convert videos. It all depends how long that .wmv file is so walk away from your computer.
17. You will know the burn is over when you come back as there will be a message box on your screen saying burn was successful with an OK button. Press spacebar on this OK button. The burned DVD will also pop out.
If your .wmv file did not convert then you will have to use Replay Converter's 'troubleshoot' feature.
To do the troubleshoot you locate the listview box on main interface of Replay Converter. Arrow to the file in the list. Use applications keyboard key. The context menu pops up and choose troubleshoot with your enter key.
If you examine the list now on the file you choose troubleshoot you will see its status as 'troubleshoot' instead of 'pending'. Now tab to 'convert audio' button and arrow down until you hear 'burn' and press spacebar and then tab one time and choose DVD NTSC and then tab to 'start conversion job' button and press spacebar. You will get the CD/DVD Burn Wizard.