Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Installing Version Updates for Replay Media Catcher 5 Helpful Tip

My experience only.
When installing over the top of an existing version of Replay Media Catcher 5
Make sure Replay Media Catcher 5 is not running. Check your taskbar tray and system tray to be safe.
Quick steps are
1st Installation Screen
Let your screen reader read the entire screen prompt.
1.Choose Next button - do not tab aroundNote: you can use insert+b if necessary and you will hear which radio button is enabled. It should be like install version # to version #
Now to the 2nd Installation Screen
2. JAWS will either say Upgrade / Update or Uninstall
If you hear Upgrade / Update you are all set and ready.
Press enter on next button to proceed.
If you hear Uninstall then you have told it to uninstall from the 1st Installation screen. Either choose back button or cancel.
If you choose the back button see if you can change the radio button to the first radio button that reads like install version # to version #.
If it doesn't work then choose cancel and re-run the .exe file from your hard drive again.
And do not tab around on the 1st installation screen but just press alt+n or to confirm press insert+tab to make sure the Next button is the active button and press Enter key.
Then you will hear the 2nd installation screen say Upgrade / Update instead of Uninstall.
Choose Next button to proceed to the 3rd installation screen.
Now to the 3rd Installation screen.
3. License Agreement Screen
Tab over to the I Agree button and press enter key. Shortcut key is alt+a
4. Installation process starts. Progress percentages are spoken.
Can use your tab keyboard key or insert+b to read the text prompt message.
Checkbox is available to run Replay Media Catcher.
Spacebar on checkbox to not run.
Finish button to complete.
Finish has shortcut alt+f