Replay Media Catcher 5
Read carefully.
We are talking about the settings Windows tabs here and not the main interface tabs that are on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher 5.
Opening the Settings Window Tabs Explained
One way to reach the settings Window tabs is to first press enter on the Library tab on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher 5.
After pressing enter on Library on main interface press alt+l to bring up the Library menu.
Choose settings in the list with your enter keyboard key.
The Settings Window opens.
To go to a Settings tab press your left or right arrow keys.
These are the main level tabs.
When you have focus on a settings tab like,
Just press your ENTER keyboard key on a settings tab first when you have focus and you will hear JAWS and NVDA pronounce checked to you.
When the screen reader says checked it means that the particular settings tab is active now and it can be configured. The property sheet for that tab can be configured.
The Library settings tab has no sub level tabs so you are good to go to configure it.
If you press enter on the Internet settings tab you will hear JAWS or NVDA pronounce 'checked' then if you do a insert+tab you will hear the screen reader say Internet checked. The Internet settings tab is active but when you press your tab keyboard key one time from where it said to you Internet checked you will hear Internet settings tab so press your right arrow key to hear the Internet sub level tabs. The Internet settings tab has sub level tabs like,
http adv
rtmp adv
and some other sub level tabs.
To activate one of these sub levels tabs you will need to press your enter keyboard key. The default active tab for the Internet settings tab is Monitor because you will hear both JAWS and NVDA say Monitor checked.
Note, I am not referring to the tab controls that are on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher 5 in the above steps.
If you are referring to Replay Media Catcher's 5 tab controls that appear on the main interface then this is what you can do.
To make one of the control tabs active on the main interface you must press your enter keyboard key on it. We are not talking about the Settings tabs here.
With JAWS you can find out which main interface control is active by pressing insert+t for the title bar.
The title bar will tell you the current tab control name.
With NVDA the title bar will not give you a clue but pressing your enter key on one of the main interface control like Library means it is the active control.
Once you have pressed your enter key on one of the main interface controls you can proceed by pressing your tab keyboard key to see its controls.
For example, if you pressed enter on the main interface Library control pressing your tab keyboard key repeatedly will reveal its controls. Some of them would be Download From the Internet and Click to start monitoring button plus No Conversion Settings.
The Guide main interface control is at best semi-accessible.
Please read the above information carefully. Practice first.