Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Replay Media Catcher 5 Upcoming release update & ALT keyboard key

Replay Media Catcher
Will make your ALT keyboard key press work correctly with the menu bars and when a chosen tab / module is active it will display the correct menu bar.
For example, when the
Library tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Library tab displays correctly with,
File - Library - View - Help
For example, when the
Internet tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Internet tab displays correctly with,
File - Internet - View - Help
For example, when the
Audio tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Audio tab displays correctly with,
File - Audio - View - Help
For example, when the
History tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the History tab displays correctly with,
File - History - View - Help
For example, when the
Guide tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Guide tab displays correctly with,
File - Guide - View - Help
For example, when the
Schedule tab on main user interface is active - You make it active by pressing your ENTER keyboard key,
and when you, press your ALT keyboard key,
The menu bar for the Schedule tab displays correctly with,
File - Schedule - View - Help
If you do not hear all the tabs / controls / modules on the main interface press alt+v for the view menu bar and add each
one manually with your enter keyboard key press.
If you examine each menu bar line shown above you will notice that the 2nd menu bar is dynamic. It changes dependind on which tab / module / control on the main user interface is active at the given time.
Keyboard Shortcuts
To make a tab / module / control active you must press your enter keyboard key on the main interface tab / module / control.
While the Library tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+l to access the Library Menu Bar
While the Internet tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+i to access the Internet Menu Bar
While the Audio tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+a to access the Audio Menu Bar
While the History tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+h to access the History Menu Bar
The above conflicts with the help menu bar so the shortcut may change in a new update.
While the Guide tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+g to access the Guide Menu Bar
While the Schedule tab / module / control is active on main user interface
Press alt+s to access the Schedule Menu Bar