Replay Media Catcher
NvDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Configuring the No Conversion Settings control button found on the main interface of Replay Media Catcher using NVDA 2015.1
The steps below are to set the MP3 format to the MP3 Default bit rate thus telling Replay Media Catcher 6 to automatically convert all captures / recordings to the MP3 whether the original file was an MP3 or any other format like MP4 / FLV. You will have the original format and the MP3 file since we are going to tell Replay Media Catcher 6 via this No Conversion Settings control button to globally convert all captures to MP3.
Run Replay Media Catcher which I will call RMC6.
Maximize RMC6.
Locate the No Conversion Settings button with your tab keyboard key.
Press spacebar on the No Conversion Settings button.
You should hear NVDA say Menu.
If you do not hear Menu please press your escape key two times to get out and redo the steps above until you hear NVDA say MENU.
Now that we heard NVDA say Menu we would do the following,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
Use your insert+numpad 4 to go up the list
Use insert+numpad6 to go down the list
You are reviewing the list.
The list should say from top to bottom,
Manufacturers (This is the Formats submenu)
I do not know why this is but the first Manufacturers you hear in this list is actually the Formats submenu.
JAWS does the same.
Continuing with this list you have,
Manufacturers (2nd one in the list)
Output Folder
Don't Convert
The above is what should appear for you in the list.
Locate the first Manufacturers in the list by using insert+numpad4 until you have focus on it.
Now do,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
You have opened the formats submenu,
Press insert+numpad2
You will hear 3gp
If you do not hear 3gp and hears amazon then you were in the wrong submenu and in the 2nd Manufacturers submenu and were not focus on the 1st Manufacturers (Formats) submenu.
We hear 3GP.
Press insert+numpad6 to navigate down the list of Formats options.
You will hear
as you press insert+numpad6 each time and if you keep pressing insert+numpad6 you will hear
MP3 is spoken by NVDA.
We now have focus on the MP3 submenu.
Now do,
Insert+ numpad /
NVDA will say Menu
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
Now do,
insert+numpad2 to go inside the MP3 bit rates list.
Use insert+numpad6 repeatedly to hear all the available MP3 bit rates.
That is press insert+numpad6 to hear one bit rate then press insert+numpad6 to go down to the next bit rate and so on.
You can use insert+numpad4 to go up the list of available MP3 bit rates.
We are looking for the MP3 Default bit rate from the list so locate it.
To select the Mp3 Default bit rate press,
insert+numpad / then
numpad /
NVDA will say left click.
Now shift+tab and tab on the main interface of RMC6 or tab around and you will hear NVDA announced Mp3 Default instead of the usual No Conversion Settings button we had originally.
You will hear convert to: MP3 Default
We have told RMC6 to globally convert all captures to MP3 Default bit rate. You will still recieve the original file format too.
Say you want it back to No Conversion Settings
You would do the following,
Find the MP3 Default button on main user interface. It used to read as No Conversion Settings button.
Press spacebar.
You should hear NVDA say Menu.
If not, start over.
Press escape two times and focus again on the MP3 Default button.
Do the steps again.
Now that it says Menu do,
insert+numpad /
NVDA will say Menu again.
insert+numpad * (which is move navigator object to mouse)
You will hear the list.
Use insert+numpad 4 or insert+numpad 6 until you hear,
Don't Convert
Focus is on the Don't convert option so do,
insert+numpad / then
numpad /
The button now reads as No Conversion Settings. The factory default.
Your files will not get globally converted
You will get the original source file stream type only when you capture.