JAWS users only. NVDA has issues currently.
Using either Replay Media Catcher 6 or Replay Music 7 one can do audio
podcasts as long as you have your sound's card recording device configured
via its listen tab enabled will allow you to record both your voice and the
JAWS synthesized speech. Within RMC6 or RM7 go to the settings tab and
choose the Audio Recordings tab sheet drop down to be set to stereo mix and
choose your audio format and bit rate if set to MP3. Finally, go to your
capture method button and choose the Audio Recorder with enter then tab to
the start recording button to start the recording. You will get this pop up
message so press on the start button there too. You will hear this sound
beep which tells you are recording. To stop recording choose the stop
recording button. The start / stop recording button is a toggle.
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