Known issues
Many of the pop up windows can only be read once with JAWS. Using insert+b will not re-read the pop up messages.
JAWS will lose focus on the RMC6 user interface so use insert+F4 to shut down JAWS then restart it with your hotkey.
No Conversion Settings button with version shows two Manufacturers listed and the first listed Manufacturers is actually the Formats option.
The Guides tab control is not accessible.
The Schedule tab control can be used but requires two listed scheduled events in the list view.
DVR Mode
Select the DVR mode via the Capture Method button.
Have not fully tested with JAWS.
If the DVR Browser button when selected with the enter button is supposed to show an Internet Explorer browser appearance with links and all elements after pasting a URL address in the address bar then it is not working correctly with JAWS.
For example, to login to a subscription based service in order to do the capture.
The software is not perfect but you can capture most content using the stream downloader and audio recorder modes.
Opinions expressed here are my own.