Wednesday, May 27, 2015

NVDA & Replay media Catcher

Opinions expressed are my own.
NVDA known issues with Replay Media Catcher
Many of the controls do not function correctly if you use the up / down arrow keys.
The audio tutorials show these issues and how to get around them.
The list view or files list requires you to have two or more files listed to read in normal conditions.
Otherwise, you will need to use your screen review insert+numpad7 then insert+numpad6.
The same goes when in the Schedule tab list view.
The No Conversion Settings button is flawed when using NVDA. Run JAWS demo or JAWS screen reader to set the No Conversion Settings to say MP3 > MP3 Default setting then go back to the NVDA screen reader.
The Guides tab is not accessible.
The Schedule tab when in the new schedule window setup window Capture combo box does not function with standard down / up arrows.
Use down arrow then up arrow to configure this combo box. Also, you can use letters A or D to hear all the available options in this combo box.
To set the date and time within the Schedule tab new Schedule Window use home and END key ( E N D key). Use up and down arrow keys to change a value and right or left arrow keys to move to the next field like from month to day to year. Use shift+tab and tab to re-hear your settings. Use insert+tab also.
Settings tab multi page window. When in edit fiels you will need to use your screen review or object review mode to change a value. Values will say blank instead of the actual number. For example, concurrent downloads edit field is 5 but NVDA will read it as blank so it requires the use of alternative modes to configure.
Listen to my audio tutorial I have done.
You can capture using the stream downloader and audio recorder.
I have not tested fully the DVR mode.
I am not subscribed to pay for services to test in order to capture the DVR feature.