Monday, May 18, 2015

NVDA Settings tab properties shown Replay media Catcher

Replay Media Catcher Audio Tutorials Continued
NVDA Settings tab properties shown Replay media Catcher
NVDA 2015.1
Windows 7 Pro
If you want to test this non-release version let me know.
Looking for experienced NVDA / Window Eyes 9.1 users only
To listen to the previous audio tutorials go to,
Now to the podcasts,
Settings tab properties shown, Internet Downloads tab sheet properties which is found within the Settings tab. Two Internet Downloads tab settings reviewed.
What is switch is on & Switch is off? Use spacebar to toggle the switch status then insert+tab to re-read the status.
choosing your settings for,
Settings tab > Internet Downloads >
Preferred download Quality: Hi Medium Low
Preferred Download Format - prompt, any, FLV, MP4 and other options available
Pressing ctrl+tab also works to jump into each tab sheet's properties within the settings tab window.