Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt + R = Start or Stop recording
Alt + S = Split recording
Del = Delete selected recording(s) from computer
F2 = Open the ID3 Tag Editor
Enter = Play selected recording
Ctrl + I = Import selected recording(s) into iTunes library
Ctrl + W = Import selected recording(s) into Windows Media Player library
Ctrl + O = Show selected file in Windows File Explorer
Ctrl + C = Combine multiple selected files
Alt + A = Show the album artwork in the Properties Window
Alt + L = Show the song lyrics in the Properties Window
Alt + T = Lookup ID3 tags (artist, song, album, etc) for selected song(s)
Alt + Enter = Open the recording properties window
Alt + I = Open file browser to Import songs into Replay Music
F1 = Open web browser to the Replay Music support page
Alt + F4 = Quit